European Sipping Chocolate

One of the things I'm going to try to do more of in 2013 is take time to see friends and family. I started this a bit in 2012, and one of the wonderful discoveries I made by being less of a hermit was European Sipping Chocolate.

Carolyn Jewel introduced me to it at a wonderful little place about an hour away from my house. I can't always pop up there when I see her and the North Bay gang gathering to enjoy it (day job and the horrors of commute traffic prevent this), but I've got pretty good at making it myself.

So for New Year's, I wanted to share my new obsession with you all:


2oz heavy cream
2oz half and half
1 oz dark brown sugar (the darker the better)
1/4 tsp vanilla
1 oz unsweetened baking chocolate (oddly, I find the cheap Bakers stuff works best)

Heat cream and half and half over the lowest heat possible for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Add sugar, vanilla, and chocolate. Stir until melted and thick (about 3 minutes). And yes, you can expand the recipe to make more than one cup at a time.



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