If guns were but invented now, this Haman I would shoot, sir!
Happy Purim, everyone! (Okay, it was yesterday, but whatever.) Purim is one of my favorite holidays; it's the Jewish celebration of the story of Esther (which I encourage you to read if you haven't, it's a fantastic story with a royal divorce, a beauty pageant, both comical comeuppance and tragic comeuppance (both of the same guy), a fifty-foot-tall gallows, a plot to kill all the Jews, a brave young woman saving her people, and a king who despite being kind of a jerk still is willing to grant his wife any request, even unto half his kingdom), and it also has some truly delicious cookies associated with it: hamantaschen. Hamantaschen are triangle-shaped cookies filled with thick, jammy goodness, some of the most traditional flavors being prune, apricot, and poppyseed. They look like this: ( photo by Infrogmation, via Wikimedia Commons ) Here are the ones I made (hanging out with our Hulk): While tracking down a new recipe for prune filling this year (it's DELICIOUS),...