Medieval Romance: On the Rise? Or Checking Out?

After a restful Thanksgiving Day, I spent today wandering through Barns and Noble and picked up the December issue of RT Book Reviews. One of the feature stories was written by my friend and fellow medieval writer Karin Tabke (check out page 24: Medievals---Are They In or Out?). Karin raises some interesting questions about medieval romance. This genre does not outsell the Regency time period according to Borders book buyer Sue Grimshaw, but editors at big houses (Harlequin for one) state that medievals are always in demand. They always have a place on those pie charts they show us about the stats regarding what in romance is selling (contemporaries are in the far lead).

I've been told many times "you'll never hit a list writing a medieval" and while I'd love to be a best-selling author someday, I'll always write medievals--- because I love them. I grew up reading Woodiwiss, Gellis, Beverly, Hunter, Deveraux, Garwood, Henley, and so many others---I can't imagine romance without them. I like the gritty, earthy medieval where heroines and heroes fight with each other and for their survival, or their kingdom's survival. The stakes were incredibly high and so many medieval romances mirror real-life history. Loyalty, love, betrayal, those years between 800 and 1500 have it all. Not that the other time periods don't---I love a good Regency or Western as much as anyone. I'm even working on a couple, but I will always have those days where I gotta "go medieval" at the keyboard.

Next week, my new release "Awakening His Lady" hits the electronic bookshelf (AHL is a novella published by Harlequin Historical UNDONE) and it's a medieval set in the 13th century. It won't be easy for medieval fans to find, but it's out there. You order it at: or just go to

And hey, congrats to Lauren Willig, for a great review in RT (4 and a half stars!) for "The Betrayal of the Blood Lily"!


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