The Hoydens welcome Cara Elliott

Thanks so much, Cara, for taking the time to be with us today!
Q. You’ve written numerous books now, under multiple names, but always in this time period. What is it that draws you to the Regency? As a related question, do you think you might ever dip into another time period?
The quick answer is Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer!

Then the more I learned about the actual history of the era, the more I became utterly fascinated by the Regency. It was a world aswirl in silks, seduction and the intrigue of the Napoleonic Wars. Radical new ideas were clashing with the conventional thinking of the past—many historians consider it the birth of the “modern” era, as people were questioning the fundamentals of society, and fomenting changes in every aspect of life. For example, you had Beethoven composing emotional symphonies, Byron composing wildly romantic poetry about individual angst, J.M.W. Turner dabbling in impressionistic watercolors and Mary Wollstonecraft writing the first feminist manifestos.
I find the parallel to our own times incredibly intriguing. And as a writer, I feel that allows me to create core conflicts in my fictional characters that can really resonate with today’s readers . . . while still drooling over men in tight leather breeches and boots!
Now, funny you should ask about other time periods! I’ve recently been reading a lot about the late Victorian/Edwardian era and find that an amazingly interesting era as well. (I’m a huge fan of Tasha Alexander and Deanna Raybourn’s books) I’ve got a synopsis and sample chapters that I’m working on . . . so we’ll see where that takes me.
Q. All of your Circle of Sin books involve women with a passionate interest in a
particular scholarly field, first science, now antiquities. What was your inspiration for these heroines and their (scholarly) passions?

For example, you had Mary Shelly, who eloped to Europe at age sixteen with the married poet Percy Bysshe Shelley—and then went on to become a famous writer of her own. (We owe the legendary Frankenstein to her pen.) And then there was Augusta Ada Byron King, the daughter of Lord Byron, who was a mathematical genius. She survived an abusive childhood and went on to work with Charles Babbage, helping to develop the precursor to the modern computer.
So I knew right then that I wanted to write a series that celebrated the spirit of these smart, brave women.
Q. What was the most surprising thing you came across in your research for this book?

Q. In your other, non-Regency life, you have a degree in graphic design. Do you find that your design background influences or informs your writing?
Absolutely. Graphic design is all about communicating a message and evoking a response.

Also, in design, we are usually combining words and visual images—colors, textures and hues are very important. Again I feel that shapes my storytelling. Since I’ve been trained to “see” and “sense” in a medium other than words I feel strongly about trying to create a vivid feel for my settings—the smell of the smoke in the air, the color of candlelight on a face, the look of filigree gold and garnets against silk.
Q. We had a splendid time teaching a class on the Regency romance at Yale this spring. What would you say was the biggest take-away from the class for you?
You mean other than giving thanks to the heavens that I didn’t have to compete against our students when I was applying for admission?

As we created this course, you and I talked a lot about how romance in all its glorious guises has been at the core of human storytelling since the first cuniform letters were pressed into clay tablets and the first raconteurs passed on ancient myths or epic poems from generation to generation. For me, it’s really heartening to see that despite all the high tech developments of the digital age, this elemental connection is as strong as ever.
Q. I’ve heard that you’re writing historical mysteries right now as well as the Circle of Sin books. Can you tell us a bit about them? Does writing in the mystery genre feel very different?
The new books are going to be a Regency-set series featuring a very unconventional lady and lord of the ton who join forces to serve as “unofficial” government sleuths. I’m really excited about branching into a new genre, but in a way, it’s a natural progression for me, as many of my romance books feature a mystery element. The main difference will be a matter of nuance. The development of character and relationships is still incredibly important to me, however, I’m looking forward to weaving in more of the history and culture of the times into the plots, using elements like international trade, politics or the arts as the basis for the mystery. I plan to have my hero and heroine traveling to the Continent and beyond, so it will also be fun to introduce readers to some exotic locales.
Q. Right now, you’re juggling an amazing number of projects. Do you have any advice for the rest of us struggling authors on time management?
I think most people have a lot of the balls in the air these days. I’m a slow writer who needs large chunks of uninterrupted time to get into a story. (I am in awe of people who announce that they’ve written five pages while sitting in the car waiting for a child to finish soccer practice.) So I need to very disciplined about structuring my day. I make up a little sticky note at the start of each morning with a list of the things I want to accomplish. (The residue of my Swiss mother, who had a high regard for order and precision.) As the day progresses, glancing at what isn’t crossed off is a very tangible reminder that I need to get cracking!
I think the biggest thing for any writer to remember is you can’t wait for the Muse to be in a good mood. Sometimes she has to be dragged kicking and screaming to her seat at the keyboard. (Whips and chains are permissible under extreme circumstances, like approaching deadlines.) It also helps to keep a big stash of chocolate in the desk drawer. Sugar and butterfat content can sometimes work miracles.
Q. Your books are all meticulously researched. Do you have any research tips to share?
Actually, I got my best ones from you! That said, I do think that special interest groups, be they historical societies or people who have a passion for something, like fencing or Elizabethan fashion, are wonderful resources. Many of them have good websites that offer a wealth of detail about a specific topic. And there is usually a contact e-mail for questions. My experience is that people are very generous in sharing their knowledge.
Another good source of information is are small specialty museums and traveling exhibitions. The write-ups for the displays are usually very informative, and one can learns all sorts of fascinating facts. I recently spent hours in the Guards Museum in London where I learned, among other things, how to tell what regiment a Guardsman is in by the arrangement of the buttons on his tunic, and why a knitted “ski” cap has a pom-pom on top. (During the Crimean War, British soldiers wore hats to keep warm and the pom-pom provided a cushion for their steel helmets.) I’m a hopeless history geek because I love collecting arcane facts like that.
Q. Can you give us a hint as to what Book 3 in the Circle of Sin series is going to be about?
Kate, the heroine of To Tempt A Rake, is the most unorthodox member of the Circle. She’s spent most of her life sailing around the world, acquiring an expertise in botany . . . along with a number of less ladylike skills. Life in London Society doesn’t hold much appeal for her. And neither does the arrogant Conte of Como. But when all hell break out at her grandfather’s country house party, she has no choice but to team up with The Rake in order to solve a diabolical mystery. Their travels take them to the Congress of Vienna, which was a really fun part of the story to write. Talk about pomp, pageantry and profligate parties! The royals of Europe certainly knew how to have a good time. I hope readers enjoy journeying to a colorful locale outside of England.
Q. And because I have Austen on the brain right now…. Which is your favorite Austen work and why?
Oh, tough question! P&P is really near and dear to my heart, but Persuasion is a close second. Lizzie Bennett and Anne Elliot are by far my favorite Austen heroines. Both are beautifully realized characters who are very real to me—smart, strong, and a little stubborn, yet loyal, vulnerable and capable of admitting they have made mistakes. The nuanced depiction of family and friendships is also wonderfully rendered. I’ve re-read them countless times and still delight in the wit and insight contained within their pages.
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